How To Set Up AI Email Triage in 8 Steps

Staring down the barrel of an overflowing inbox for what seems like the 1,000th time this month?

Inbox overwhelm is real, and it’s a huge time-stealer. But lucky for you, AI email triage can be your lifeline. 

Stick around, because, in this article, we’ll share 8 simple steps to make AI work for you — and help ensure that you never have to dread your emails ever again. 

We’ll cover: 

Let’s get started! 

What is AI email triage?

Ever feel like your inbox is a never-ending game of whack-a-mole? Email triage aims to correct precisely that; it’s a process whereby you sort the wheat (important emails) from the chaff (cat pictures or the umpteenth spam email claiming you’ve got a huge inheritance headed your way).

In short, email triage is the process of efficiently sorting and prioritizing emails.

Let’s see how AI email triage helps:

Why use AI for email triage?

Why should you trust a robot with your precious emails? 

You’re about to find out: 

Step 1: Set yourself up for success with the right AI email triage tool

Choosing the right tool is half the battle, and you want to pick one that can keep up with your moves, anticipate your steps – and maybe even throw in a surprise twirl now and then. 

Let's go over the key factors you should consider:

We’ve got the top contender right here: Lindy. It excels at email triage like no other, combining all the best features into one show-stopping performance. 

Step 2: Integrate your email with the AI tool

Now it’s time to finally integrate — something that should take only a few minutes. 

Let's dive in and get your inbox AI-ready!

Step 3: Set up email filters and rules

Now, this is where you want to create rules that your AI will follow, in order to tell it your dos and don’ts. 

Here’s what you need to know:

Step 4: Train the AI model

It’s time to put on your data scientist hats and actually train your AI email triage model. 

Here’s how you do it: 

Step 5: Configure notifications and alerts

Ah, notifications. A great idea in theory, and a hellish nightmare of “Important” vs “Completely banal” in practice. 

Let’s see how you can get notifications that actually matter:

Step 6: Automate common email tasks

Dealing with repetitive email tasks can make you feel like a robot. But that doesn’t mean you can’t use a robot to automate common email tasks.

Here’s how:

Step 7: Monitor and adjust AI performance

Monitoring your AI's performance is crucial. It's like watching a toddler learn to walk; sometimes they'll surprise you with graceful steps, and other times they'll faceplant spectacularly. 

Here’s how to make sure the second happens less and less:

Step 8: Ensure data privacy and security

Alright, folks, let's talk about the elephant in the room: data privacy and security. You wouldn't leave your front door wide open when you go on vacation, would you? Well, the same goes for your email data! Let's dive into how you can keep those digital doors locked tight.

How Lindy gives you all the AI email triage features you need

Inbox chaos getting you down?  Not with Lindy, though. This nearly all-powerful AI tool can tame any inbox — and then some! 

Here’s how Lindy can help:

Try Lindy for free.

Summing up

You're now equipped to tame the rampaging rhino that is your inbox with AI email triage.

No more drowning in a sea of unread messages or missing that must-see "Pictures of my cat Fluffy — August update” email. 

Start off slow, choose the right tool for the job (did you say Lindy?), and start thinking about what you’re going to be doing when you get all of those hours back.