The Ultimate 6-Step Guide to Customer Onboarding Automation

Saying hello to customers, keeping them happy and engaged, and — finally — selling to them can seem like a tall order, right? 

The truth is, you can't keep doing things the old way with human reps who are overwhelmed, tired, and multitasking like crazy.

Enter customer onboarding automation. Automating repetitive tasks like answering common questions frees you and your team up to focus on more high-level work. In this article, we’ll show you how to leverage it to your benefit using Lindy, and how to help keep customers coming back for more. 

We’ll cover: 

Let’s get started.

What is customer onboarding automation?

Automating your customer onboarding process means using technology like AI to handle all sorts of tasks involved in welcoming new customers — and getting them started with your product or service. 

The main goals of automation are:

Benefits of the automated customer onboarding process with Lindy

If you’re looking to scale your business efficiently while keeping customers happy, automating your customer onboarding process with Lindy is the way to go. 

Lindy provides an instant response to new inquiries. This starts the customer relationship off on the right foot with advantages like:

A 6-step guide to using Lindy for customer onboarding

Step 1: Chart your course with the customer journey map

Think of this as Lindy's roadmap to success. Meticulously outline the key stages your customers navigate, from initial curiosity to becoming brand advocates. Identify pivotal moments where Lindy can readily integrate and enhance the experience.

Lindy can lend a hand by:

Remember: High-priority questions or high-level queries should still be forwarded seamlessly to humans, though.

Step 2: Use Lindy's capabilities across your digital landscape

Easily integrate Lindy into your website, where it will engage visitors in real-time, sparking conversations and providing valuable information. You can also extend its reach to your inbox, where it will diligently manage your email communications.

Lindy will efficiently:

Step 3: Infuse Lindy with your brand's unique voice

Create a tailor-made chatbot that reflects your brand's personality and tone. Customize Lindy's language and responses to create a consistent and engaging experience for your customers.

Personalize Lindy's messages:

Step 4: Give Lindy the power to be lead-scorer #1

Lindy is more than just a conversationalist; it knows its lead-scoring stuff. Leverage its AI capabilities to qualify and nurture leads, boosting your sales potential.

Lindy can:

Step 5: Guide Lindy's continuous learning journey

Like any skilled professional, Lindy learns and improves over time. Initially, deploy it in "training mode" to refine its knowledge and responses.

During training mode, you can:

Step 6: Don’t sleep on your great results — optimize!

Regularly analyze Lindy's performance metrics to make sure it’s delivering maximum value.

Monitor key indicators such as:

Summing up

After reading this guide, you now have a clear understanding of what customer onboarding automation is — and how Lindy's AI capabilities can transform your onboarding process. 

By implementing Lindy, you’ll have lightning-fast responses that will engage customers from the start. It will also maintain your brand voice across all interactions and can even qualify and score leads to identify your best prospects.

Now is an ideal time to create an automated customer onboarding process.

Next steps 

Give your customer onboarding a shot in the arm with Lindy, the AI-powered personal assistant designed to completely revamp your processes, answer questions, provide support, and deliver a *chef’s kiss* customer experience.

With Lindy, you get:

Don’t just take our word for it — try out Lindy for free.