15 Nurture Campaign Best Practices To Follow | 2024

You want to run killer nurture campaigns in 2024 and convert like crazy — but where do you start? With so many tactics and channels these days, it's tough to know which ones move the needle.

Lucky for you, we’ve got 15 proven nurture campaign best practices that will take your lead gen to the next level. 

Let’s get to it. 

15 nurture campaign best practices to follow 

1. Segment your audience

Treating your audience like a homogenous blob is a surefire way to bore them to tears. 

It's time to get personal and segment those fine folks into distinct groups:

2. Personalize your messaging

You've hustled to get those sweet leads into your nurture campaigns. But are you really connecting with them on a personal level? 

Here’s how to avoid getting blasted with a trite, generic email: 

3. Automate your campaigns

Tired of manually sending emails one by one, like some kind of digital mailman?

Here’s how to automate your campaigns for maximum efficiency: 

4. Provide valuable content

Content overload (or low-quality content) is a surefire way to leave your nurture campaigns collecting dust. To keep leads engaged, you need to give them something juicy — content that actually provides value.

Here’s how you can set yourself up for success: 

5. Maintain consistent communication

You've got their attention — now it's time to nurture that interest. Consistent communication is a major part of keeping your prospects engaged and your brand at the top of their minds. 

Here’s how you can keep communication nice and tight: 

6. Use multi-channel outreach

Why stick to just one channel when you can rock the whole orchestra? Expanding your reach across multiple platforms is like turning up the volume of your lead nurturing efforts.

Here's how to hit all the right notes:

7. Optimize subject lines and preview text

You know those little snippets that show up in your inbox or messaging app? The ones that try to grab your attention and get you to open the email? Those are called subject lines and preview text, and they’re kind of a big deal. 

Here’s how to get people to actually read your message: 

8. Focus on mobile optimization

Ignoring mobile optimization in your nurture campaigns is basically committing marketing malpractice. Picture this: A hot lead is devouring your carefully crafted content, getting more hyped by the second to buy your product…only to land on a page that looks like it came out of 1997 Geocities. No bueno.

Here’s how to avoid that: 

9. Include clear calls to action (CTAs)

Having amazing content is great, but if you don't give your readers a clear next step, they'll just wander off into the Internet ether. 

Here’s how to avoid letting all your hard nurturing work go to waste:

10. Guide recipients toward the desired action

You've nurtured your leads, wowed them with content, and guided them down the funnel. But now comes the big question — how do you seal the deal? 

Don't worry, we've got your back:

11. Provide relevant information to move leads closer to conversion

Now — finally — is the time to reel them in. Nurturing campaigns are all about feeding your potential customers the right info at the right time. 

Here’s how to keep things nice and tidy: 

12. Use that user feedback

Your customers are a goldmine of insights, but going through feedback can get tedious and cumbersome. AI makes it easier than ever to gather, analyze, and act on user feedback.

Here's how AI can help you make the most of what your customers have to say:

13. Make sure you’re complying with regulations

Regulations can be a real buzzkill, but they're essential for keeping your nurture campaigns on the straight and narrow. 

Here are some compliance-friendly tips to get your groove on: 

14. Use AI chatbots for engagement

You know the drill — leads come in hot, and you're scrambling to engage them before they bounce. But what if you had a permanent online assistant to handle those conversations? That’s right, we’re talking about AI chatbots.

Here’s how to use them for success: 

15. Provide instant support and personalized responses

We’re so done with waiting for hours until we get a reply, and we know you are too. Plus, there’s nothing worse than reaching an agent only to find out they’re completely out of the loop with your case. 

Here’s how AI bots can help you avoid that hellish scenario: 

Meet Lindy: The ultimate AI to follow nurture campaign best practices

Ready to give your lead nurturing strategy a high-tech boost? Lindy can help.

Here's how Lindy can transform your lead nurturing:

Try Lindy for free.

Summing up

These 15 nurture campaign best practices will get you on the road to turning those leads into sweet, sweet conversions.

Did we cover everything there is to know? Of course not. But we got pretty darn close — if you follow these tips, your campaign will be in great shape.

Stay focused on providing value, building relationships, and delivering relevant content. Do that, and you'll be well on your way to campaign success.