How to Use AI for Customer Success: Top 7 Ways

Still on the fence about the potential of AI for customer success? Don’t be! 

In this post, we'll break down 7 proven ways savvy businesses like yourself are using AI to smash customer success goals. 

From streamlining support to predicting churn, you'll learn hands-on tips to take your customer relationships to the next level. 

We’ll cover: 

Let’s dive right in! 

Using AI for customer success (an overview)

AI for customer success refers to the use of artificial intelligence technologies to improve customer support and all-around satisfaction. 

This can involve using AI-powered chatbots for customer service, analyzing data to predict customer needs, or personalizing customer experiences through machine learning algorithms — among many other solutions. 

1. Automate routine customer inquiries

Responding to the same old questions over and over again can drain the life out of your customer success team. 

Here’s how AI can help:

2. Personalize customer interactions

Nothing builds loyalty like making each customer feel like your only customer. 

Here are a few ways to get personal with the help of AI:

3. Predict customer needs

How cool would it be if you could anticipate what your customers need instead of reacting to everything they say or do? Well, you’re in luck, because AI can help! 

Here’s how: 

4. Improve customer support with chatbots

As we’ve established above, chatbots can be amazing for customer support. And there are a ton of benefits to deploying them that we haven’t mentioned. 

They are: 

5. Monitor customer health scores

AI can help you keep tabs on your customer's satisfaction.

Here’s how it can help:

6. Optimize customer onboarding

To really nail down customer success with AI, you need to put focus on onboarding. Onboarding is key to getting customers up and running with your product successfully. 

Here are a few ways to optimize onboarding with AI:

7. Analyze feedback for continuous improvement

AI can track feedback from different sources, basically poring through it all to find patterns to improve.

Here’s how it can help: 

Summing up

And those were 7 ways to use AI for customer success.

No major change is ever easy, and implementing AI may look like a huge hurdle to overcome.

But buckle up, hang on tight, and get ready, because the benefits are worth it, and any business worth their salt is going to be leveraging AI as much as possible.

So get out there, be bold, and let that AI-powered CX get to it!

Next steps

Tired of drowning in emails and support tickets? Time to try Lindy, the next-level AI tool that pretty much does everything. 

Here's how Lindy levels up your customer success:

Try out Lindy for free.