AI Recruiting: How to Use AI for Recruiting in 2024

Recruiting just got a major upgrade thanks to artificial intelligence.

AI is massively boosting the job search with insane benefits, like partially automating interviews and scheduling reviews — even taking the hassle of creating great job postings off your hands — provided you give it some actionable input. 

There’s a ton more, which is exactly what we’ll go over in this article

We’ll cover: 

Let’s get started.

What is AI recruiting?

AI recruiting is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to make the hiring process smoother, faster, and more effective

You could compare it to having a brainy assistant who can help you find the right candidates, schedule interviews, and even analyze data to predict who's most likely to succeed at your company.

Benefits of AI in recruitment

AI is quickly becoming really cool for recruiters. 

How AI recruiting helps:

How to use AI for recruiting

Ready to take things up a notch? Time to use AI in recruiting to your advantage. 

Here are 9 ways you can make AI work for you: 

Set up AI-driven candidate sourcing

AI is excellent for finding top talent fast. 

How AI recruiting helps:

Implement AI for resume screening

Really cool for streamlining the hiring process. 

How AI recruiting helps:

Improve job postings with AI

Using AI to perfect your job posts is the gift that keeps on giving.

How AI in recruiting helps:

Deploy AI chatbots for initial candidate interactions

Chatbots and AI take over a lot of the repetitive tasks in recruiting, so you can focus on the human parts, like actually getting to know candidates

How AI in recruiting helps:

Use AI to schedule and manage interviews

AI is a godsend for taking the hassle out of interview scheduling. 

How AI in recruitment helps:

Leverage AI for skills assessment and testing

You want the right candidates for the job, and that involves extensive evaluations. 

How AI recruiting helps:

Optimize candidate engagement and follow-up

You want to keep candidates interested throughout the process, right? Aloof candidates just slip through your fingers. Thankfully, that’s what AI is there for.

How AI recruiting helps: 

Analyze and refine the recruitment process with AI

AI recruiting tools analyze your hiring data to find what's working and what's not. Then they suggest ways to improve. How awesome is that?

How AI recruiting helps:

Facilitate diversity and reduce bias

You want to make the hiring process fair and inclusive. 

How AI recruitment helps:

Summing up

AI recruiting removes a lot of effort from building your A-team. 

Sourcing candidates? Yes.Resume screening? Of course. And, if you read the whole list, there’s a lot that AI recruitment is getting right. 

And the best part? AI is getting warmed up. We’re only at the very beginning of the first wave of “everybody’s got it AI tech.” 

Give this AI a year or two, and the sky’s the limit. Time to get recruiting! 

Next steps

Losing the battle against Mt. Resume? 

Meet Lindy, the AI-powered recruitment platform designed to make hiring a breeze. It's not just a tool, it's your loyal ally in the world of recruitment.

Here's how Lindy can lend a hand:

Try out Lindy for free.