The 10 Best AI for Business Operations (2024)

You're still doing things the old-fashioned way, manually entering data and reviewing documents like it’s 1989. Meanwhile, your competitors are kicking back, letting AI do the work while they scale their company. 

Luckily, we’re here to help catch you up to speed. We'll explore how AI for business operations can help you, from automating finance to boosting sales. 

And we've got the inside scoop on the top 10 AI tools to get you started! 

We’ll cover: 

Let’s get started!

What is AI for business operations?

Simply put, AI for business operations means leveraging the power of artificial intelligence (AI), natural language processing, and other high-tech techniques to automate business processes.

Nowadays, AI can handle many repetitive, boring tasks like data entry, customer service inquiries, and even recruiting.

Here are some of the ways AI can work its magic: 

That’s just the tip of the iceberg. As we’ll see below, AI can do pretty much anything, from becoming a virtual assistant to helping you balance your checkbook.

Top 10 AI tools to automate and optimize business operations

Supercharging customer support: Lindy

What does it do? Transforms customer support interactions by acting as a first line of support. Lindy handles routine and high-complexity questions, analyzes tickets to suggest solutions, and routes inquiries to human agents if need be.

Why automate it with AI? Automating parts of customer support improves response times, reduces agent workload, and helps customers find solutions quickly and independently.

How Lindy helps:

Zapping onboarding woes: WorkRamp

What does it do? Automates the onboarding process, creating personalized learning paths for new hires. This includes tailored training modules, automated reminders, progress tracking, and even AI-driven chatbots to answer common questions.

Why automate it with AI? Make the process seamless for new employees and free up time for HR teams. This leads to a smoother transition for everyone involved and empowers new hires to succeed faster.

How WorkRamp helps:

Finance and bookkeeping: Ramp AI

What does it do? Automates expense management, invoice processing, and financial reporting. It identifies spending patterns, flags potential fraud, and generates insightful reports that help businesses make informed financial decisions.

Why automate it with AI? AI-powered finance tools such as Ramp streamline tedious accounting tasks, allowing teams to focus on strategic analysis and decision-making. This saves time, improves financial accuracy, and enhances overall financial health.

How Ramp AI helps:

Automating sales outreach: Lindy

What does it do? Transforms sales outreach by crafting personalized emails and follow-ups. Lindy analyzes prospect data, suggests engaging subject lines (how many times did you stare at that LinkedIn profile without knowing how to start?), and tailors message content to increase response rates.

Why automate it with AI? Personalizing outreach at scale takes time and effort across a huge variety of channels. Lindy enables salespeople to connect with more prospects effectively, which boosts lead generation and conversion rates.

How Lindy helps:

Contract Drafting: Evisort

What does it do? Facilitates contract drafting with AI-powered templates and clause libraries. Evisort can pre-populate contracts with standard terms, suggest risk mitigation language, and ensure compliance with internal policies.

Why automate it with AI? Manually drafting contracts from scratch is time-consuming and error-prone. AI for business operation tools like Evisort speed up the process, ensuring consistency, accuracy, and reduced legal risk.

How Evisort helps:

Recruitment: ApplicantAI

What does it do? Automates resume screening, candidate matching, and interview scheduling. ApplicantAI can analyze resumes against job descriptions, identify top candidates, and even conduct initial pre-screening interviews.

Why automate it with AI? Finding the right candidate is often a needle-in-a-haystack scenario. ApplicantAI helps recruiters sift through massive volumes of applications faster, minimizing bias and ensuring top talent isn't overlooked.

How ApplicantAI helps:

Meeting scheduler: Lindy

What does it do? Simplifies the frustrating back-and-forth of finding meeting times. Lindy integrates with calendars like Google, suggests available slots based on individual schedules, and handles all the booking confirmations.

Why automate it with AI? Scheduling meetings manually is incredibly time-consuming and prone to double-bookings. AI business operations tools like Lindy free up everyone's time and eliminate those awkward scheduling clashes.

How Lindy helps:

Contract reviewer: Legly

What does it do? Legly goes through legal documents, identifying key terms, potential risks, and compliance issues. Legly helps users quickly understand complex documents and negotiate better terms.

Why automate it with AI? Contract review is often slow, tedious, and prone to human error.  This AI streamlines the process, ensuring accuracy, and allows legal teams to focus on higher-level analysis and strategy.

How Legly helps:

Conversation analyst: Uniphore

What does it do? Analyzes customer conversations (calls, chats, emails) to uncover insights into customer sentiment, agent performance, and overall call center trends.

Why automate it with AI? Analyzing large volumes of conversation data manually is practically impossible. AI tools like Uniphore identify patterns, pinpoint areas for improvement, and help companies optimize their customer service operations.

How Uniphore helps:

Fact-checking: ClaimBuster

What does it do? Helps businesses, journalists, researchers, and everyday users quickly verify information circulating online. ClaimBuster uses AI to cross-reference claims with credible sources and highlight potential misinformation. 

Why automate it with AI? Manual fact-checking is incredibly labor-intensive and time-consuming. AI assists in rapidly analyzing the validity of claims, saving valuable time and combating the spread of false information. Businesses can use ClaimBuster to pinpoint falsehoods in their competitors' press releases — and their own if need be.

How ClaimBuster helps:

Note: The existence of fact-checking tools does not remove the need for human fact-checkers and critical thinkers, though. Just saying!

Best practices for implementing AI for business operations

The last thing you want is to end up like that one friend we all have who adopts the latest tech fad before understanding how it actually works.

Here are some rules of thumb to follow when implementing AI for business operations: 

Summing up

We just flew through a whirlwind tour of the top 10 AI for business operation tools that can help optimize your business operations. 

Sure, you’ll have to put in some work to implement these solutions properly. But once your AI assistant is up and humming, you’ll get back the gift of time and mental energy. 

We’re talking more space to focus on the kind of innovative, big-picture thinking that will take your business from good to great.

Next steps 

Lindy is not just an AI for business operations tools. It’s a jack-of-all-trades AI assistant that can create an army of Lindies to take care of different business tasks.

The best part? These Lindies don’t operate independently; they can talk to each other to maximize efficiency. Just think of what a Lead Generator Lindy can do when combined with the Competitive Insights Lindy. Add the Outbound Recruiter Lindy to easily get a talent pool for your business,  and the sky’s the limit. 

Here are some other ways Lindy can help:

Don’t take our word for it. Try out Lindy for free.