How To Calculate (and Improve) Your Customer Engagement Score

Figuring out how engaged your customers really are with your brand is crucial. However, calculating an accurate customer engagement score takes some work. 

But, lucky for you, we’re here to help you out.

Read on to learn the step-by-step formula for calculating your customer engagement score, as well as some actionable tips to take it even further.

We’ll cover: 

Let’s get started.

What is the customer engagement score (CES)?

The CES measures how actively customers interact with your brand

It basically gives you insights into engagement levels using actual data! It's calculated based on things such as:

Highly engaged customers tend to stick around longer and spend more. Plus, increasing customer engagement by just 5% can boost profits by up to 95%

Now that's some serious motivation.

The customer engagement score formula

So you want to know how engaged your customers are? 

Lucky for you, there’s a customer engagement score formula:

Customer Engagement Score (CES) = (Weight 1 * Frequency 1) + (Weight 2 * Frequency 2) + (Weight 3 * Frequency 3) + ...

Pro tip: Remember to segment your customers based on their scores (high, medium, low). This will help you tailor your marketing and communication efforts to each group's specific needs and preferences.

Tips to improve your customer engagement score

Now that we’ve established the importance of the customer engagement score, you know that if you improve that score, then you’ll boost loyalty, retention, and word-of-mouth marketing. No sweat, right?

Get personal

Personalize your interactions with customers to make them feel valued and understood. 

Remember to make personalization a priority across all channels:

Chat them up

Live chat and messaging are must-have customer engagement channels today. Customers expect to be able to reach businesses quickly and easily, so deploying chat options can boost your CES in a few ways.

Here’s how:

Reward your regulars

Loyalty programs are a proven way to improve customer engagement. By rewarding your most engaged customers, you encourage them to interact with your brand even more. 

Here are some important things to consider for your loyalty program:

Promote interaction

Social media engagement is a powerful driver of customer engagement. Encourage your customers to interact with your brand's social profiles in the following ways:

Offer targeted promotions and incentives

Promotions and incentives can be a powerful way to encourage customers to engage more with your brand. 

To make sure these offers actually boost your customer engagement score, think about these: 

Foster a community around your brand

Building a thriving community around your brand can be one of the most effective ways to increase customer engagement and loyalty. 

Here are some tips to foster a strong customer community:

Summing up

Calculating your customer engagement score takes some work, but it's worth it. In fact, it’s worth it so much that no business worth its salt would let this score dip.

So, it’s time to get cracking: crunch those numbers and make your customers feel seen, heard, and appreciated. 

The more you listen to your customers, the higher your score will climb. 

Next steps

Tired of manually calculating and analyzing customer engagement scores? Lindy can help you bring customer engagement scores up.

Here's how Lindy can help:

Try out Lindy for free.