Top 6 Knowledge Management System Examples

Knowledge management: Yes, you have to do it. But now you’re struggling to figure out how to actually get around to implementing it. 

Let us walk you through some key knowledge management examples — systems that will help you organize all those precious ideas floating around in your brain. 

We’ll cover: 

Let’s get started! 

What is a knowledge management system?

A knowledge management system, or KMS, helps capture, organize, and share information within an organization. 

Think of it as a hi-tech library for company knowledge. The goal is to make it easy for employees to find and use the information they need to work smarter, not harder.

6 knowledge management system examples

Alright, so you’ve got a knowledge management system, and now you’re wondering what on earth you can actually do with this thing. Well, grab yourself a coffee and settle in, because we’ve got a few ideas up our sleeve.

#1. Build an online community forum 

An online community forum is a website where people with shared interests or expertise can ask and answer questions, share feedback, and exchange recommendations.

How community forums help businesses:

#2 Create a Learning Management System (LMS) 

Learning management systems (LMS) are platforms designed to centralize, distribute, and track employee training and development.

How LMS systems benefit organizations:

#3. Customer service knowledge bases

Customer service knowledge bases are customer-centric repositories of information that answer common customer questions and provide solutions to common problems.

How knowledge bases benefit businesses and customers:

#4. Communities of practice

There are groups of people in your company with deep knowledge on specific topics. Communities of practice connect them, turning scattered expertise into a powerful resource.

Here's how:

#5. Expert identification and directories

Sometimes you don't even know what you don't know... or who knows it. An expert directory solves this by making it easy to find the right person to ask.

Here's how:

#6. Centralized business-side knowledge base

Vital information scattered across emails, documents, and people's heads is a recipe for lost time and frustration. A centralized knowledge base brings order to the chaos.

Here's how:

Best practices for implementing a knowledge management system

Now it’s time to figure out how to make the most of your new system. The key is to actually use the thing, not just install it and call it a day.

You can do it in several ways: 

Further reading on Knowledge Management Systems

We’ve got you covered with a veritable buffet of resources to continue learning. 

Dig into our past musings on KMS: 

What is knowledge management? Explained

What is a knowledge management process? 

The ultimate guide to knowledge management strategy

The 12 best knowledge management software 

Summing up

Knowledge management systems make storing and sharing information within your organization a breeze. 

They can help you capture insights, identify experts, spread knowledge, and so much more. From enterprise solutions to simple wikis, the options extend as far as your imagination.

With these knowledge management examples, we hope you’ll (happily) watch your company’s knowledge expand!

Next steps 

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