12 Lead Nurturing Best Practices To Follow in 2024

Getting leads is one thing, but keeping them hooked is a different beast altogether. 

But nurturing leads doesn't have to be scary or confusing.

We've got your back with 12 simple lead nurturing best practices to set you up for success. These bite-sized best practices will help you turn those cold leads into warm, sales-ready prospects. 

We’ll cover: 

Let’s get started.

Why is a lead nurturing strategy so important?

You've done the hard work of generating leads, but that's only half the battle. Now you need a solid nurturing strategy to keep those prospects engaged until they're ready to buy. Why? Well, only a tiny fraction of leads are actually "sales-ready" when they first express interest.

The rest need some TLC to make it down the pipeline. And that's where lead nurturing comes in:

12 lead-nurturing best practices for 2024

Brace yourselves for some game-changing tips that'll have those hard-to-get leads eating right out of your hands.

Best practice #1: Use data to personalize your approach

Data-driven lead nurturing is about one thing only: Making your prospects feel understood. 

Here’s how you can do it: 

Best practice #2: Use an automated email sequence to help leads stay hot

Fresh leads are not easy to get — don't let them go cold! An automated email nurture sequence is the modern-day equivalent of (platonically) buying flowers and opening doors for your clients.

Here's how to woo those prospects:

Best practice #3: Segment your leads based on behavior and demographics.

Why treat everyone the same when you can be a trendsetter? Segment your prospects for maximum impact.

Here's how to strut your segmentation skills:

Best practice #4: Share content that actually touches on pain points

Ah, the age-old struggle — your leads are intrigued but not quite convinced to take the plunge. Sharing valuable content tailored to their woes is a good way to nurture hesitant leads into full-on conversion.

Let’s take a look:

Best practice #5: Reel in leads through email, social media, and direct mail

You know what they say — out of sight, out of mind. To keep those hot leads engaged and interested, you gotta stay top of mind in multiple channels.

Here's how to work it:

Best practice #6: Use a lead-scoring system to tag high-potential leads.

Look, we all know that not every lead is created equal. Some are just window shoppers, while others are ready to whip out their wallets. That's where lead scoring comes in — it helps you focus your efforts on the leads most likely to convert.

Here's how to make it work:

Best practice #7: Have consistent messaging across all communication channels

You can't just set up some lead nurturing campaigns and expect magic to happen. Nope, you've got to stay on top of things. 

Here's how to keep those leads warm and toasty:

Best practice #8: Track lead interactions to adjust your nurturing strategies

If you're not paying attention to how your leads are engaging (or not) with your content, you're basically driving blind.

Here's how to keep those blinders off:

Best practice #9: Incentivize collaboration between sales and marketing teams

You’ve seen a version of this happen: Marketing generates a ton of hard-won leads, only for sales to drop the ball. Or the sales team will close deals but get zero love from marketing on nurturing those fresh customers. It's a vicious cycle of finger-pointing and hurt feelings.

Here's how to break the cycle:

Best practice #10: Use AI tools to skyrocket personalization and streamline tasks

AI is rapidly becoming a must-have for savvy marketers looking to boost their lead-nurturing efforts.

Here's the deal:

Best practice #11: Continuously try out different approaches and optimize based on results

“If it ain’t broke, don’t break it.” While that’s a good rule for life, that doesn’t mean you can’t try out new things — especially in a game that always keeps evolving, like marketing.

Here’s how to be more innovative:

Best practice #12: Follow up quick to keep leads piping hot

You know the feeling — you fill out a form, submit an inquiry, and then...crickets. Nothing but radio silence. Talk about a letdown. Don't do that to your precious leads.

Here's how to keep them hooked:

Use Lindy to effortlessly improve your lead nurturing strategy

Want to nurture your leads with the help of cutting-edge AI? Lindy is what you need.

Here's what Lindy can do:

Try out Lindy for free.

Summing up

That was a dozen tried and true lead nurturing best practices to help you grow your business in 2024. 

While some of these tactics may seem basic, the key is consistency

At the end of the day, lead nurturing isn't rocket science. It just takes a little strategy, creativity, and elbow grease. The payoff is worth it.