Product Adoption Lifecycle: How To Improve Adoption Rates

If you’re not thinking about the product adoption lifecycle, chances are you’re bleeding money. 

We all want our shiny new tools and apps to take off like a rocket ship, but Rome wasn’t built in a day, and that’s precisely what we’re going to address today. 

We’re here to walk through tried-and-true tactics to take your product to the stratosphere — and beyond. 

We’ll cover: 

Let’s get started.

What is the product adoption lifecycle?

The product adoption lifecycle refers to the stages customers go through when adopting a new product. 

There are five main stages: Innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards. Innovators are the techies and visionaries willing to take a chance on something new. Early adopters are influencers who set trends and shape opinions.

If you want widespread adoption, you need to move customers through these stages. 

The idea is to understand your target customers and tailor your marketing and support to match where they are in the adoption lifecycle. Give people what they need to move to the next stage, whether that's proof of concepts, case studies, training programs, or community support.

Understanding the stages of the product adoption lifecycle

As we’ve already gone over, the product adoption lifecycle breaks down how people adopt new products into five stages.

This idea comes from the “Diffusion of Innovations” theory by Everett M. Rogers. The focus of his initial paper (back in 1962) was on the way new technological ideas about agriculture spread; it's still widely used today. 

Note: The percentage statistics provided in this blog are based on rough estimates from this theory and may vary by industry.

Let’s take a look: 

How to improve adoption rates with actionable strategies

Improving adoption rates is the cornerstone of success. 

Here are some tips to get more people on board the product adoption train:

Develop a user-friendly onboarding process

First impressions count. If the onboarding process is complicated or confusing, you’ve lost them already. You want to make signing up and getting started a cinch.

Here’s how: 

Provide comprehensive training and support

Don’t just throw people into the deep end of the pool and expect them to figure it out. Offer resources to help them learn how to properly use your product. 

Pin down barriers to adoption

Sometimes there are obstacles preventing people from fully adopting a product that have nothing to do with the product itself. Do some research to determine what’s stopping your target audience from getting on board. 

Find out exactly what the obstacles are by conducting surveys, interviews, or focus groups with customers. Ask them what challenges they face in adopting your product.

Here’s how you can get out of these situations: 

Actually use customer feedback

The more you focus on the customer experience and ease of use, the faster and farther that product adoption train will go. Keep making incremental improvements and before you know it, you’ll have a whole fleet of new users on board and ready for the ride. 

Here’s how you can get started: 

Summing up 

We've covered the whole product adoption lifecycle from innovators to laggards. 

Now you're armed with tactics to onboard users, smash adoption barriers, and turn feedback into product improvements. 

Remember: With the right mix of UX, marketing, and TLC for your users, you'll have them adopting your product faster than ever before. 

Next steps 

Feeling overwhelmed by the whole product adoption lifecycle? Let Lindy take the reins.

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