The 10 Product Management Lifecycle Stages (Best Practices Inside)

It takes more than you think to bring a new product to the market. There’s a long process between getting an idea, implementing it, and seeing where it lands. 

And that’s why you need to have a solid grasp of the product management lifecycle stages

In this article, we're taking a tour through the 10 stages, and break down some actionable best practices that can help you increase your chances of having a successful rollout.

We’ll cover: 

Let’s dive right in.

Understanding the product management lifecycle

To create an amazing product, you need an amazing process. That's where the product management lifecycle comes in. 

It's a roadmap guiding you from that first lightbulb moment to a successful launch and beyond.

Idea generation gets the party started, and then we move through 9 other stages, as far as gathering post-launch metrics and feedback. 

The 10 key stages of the product management lifecycle

1. Idea generation

A great product starts with an idea to match. However, coming up with a constant stream of fresh concepts takes work. 

Here's how to keep that idea factory humming:

2. Market research

Before diving headfirst into the deep end of product development, it's crucial to get a solid grasp of the market landscape. After all, you don’t want to be swimming against the current. (It works for salmon, but it’s not always a great idea in marketing).

Here are some ways to ensure you get market research right:

Dive head-first into market analysis

Don’t be shy — Scope out the competition

Give some love to market validation

3. Concept development

You can't just wing it when developing a new product concept. Nailing those nitty-gritty details is a big part of the product management lifecycle. 

4. Feasibility analysis

Now comes one of the first hurdles: where you face off your product against the real world. The first question you’re going to have to face is: “Is this even doable?” 

Run the numbers

Put on your thinking cap

5. Product development

Great products — save for those that come from some unearthly flash of inspiration — take time to build.  And to develop a winner, you’re going to have to embrace the agile mindset. 

6. Product prototyping

Before galloping into full-blown development, you need to test those assumptions with a good ol' Minimum Viable Product (MVP).

Put it to the test

7. Testing

You’ve poured your heart and soul into this product, and you don’t want a buggy launch to taint people’s perception of your baby. It's time to bring in the bug hunters and put your creation through its paces.

8. Launch planning

The big day is almost here. It's time to roll out that product you've put so many late-nighters into. A solid launch plan is key to getting those first users hooked.

9. Product launch

Now you’re probably feeling the heat. And not, it’s not because it’s July. But don't sweat it — we've got your back with some tips to help you coordinate teams and get a good launch going. 

Gather your A-crew

Rehearse and fine-tune

10. Post-launch

Launching the product is only half the battle — the work doesn't stop there. Now it's time to monitor how users actually engage with it.

Stay on top of the metrics

Iterate to dominate

How Lindy can streamline your product management lifecycle

Lindy offers a centralized hub for creating and coordinating a team of AI assistants (or “Lindies”) customized to help your product team throughout the entire product lifecycle.

With over 3,000 pre-built integrations, Lindy plays ball with your current software and systems, allowing your AI team to manage diverse tasks from ideation to launch and beyond.

Here’s how Lindy can help: 

Try out Lindy for free.

Summing up

That’s the end of the product management lifecycle road for now.

We’ve covered everything from idea generation to launch and beyond, and now it’s up to you to make each stage a success.

Keep these best practices in mind, but now you also know that if you want to kick things up a notch, there’s always Lindy!