7 Sales Pipeline Stages Every Business Needs to Know

Are you struggling to close deals? The 7 key sales pipeline stages can help you ensure that no opportunities are lost and can improve your sales efficiency by identifying and removing bottlenecks.

Here’s what we’ll dive into:

Let’s begin by discussing the importance of a structured sales pipeline and how it can transform your sales process.

What is a sales pipeline?

A sales pipeline is your roadmap to turning potential customers into paying clients. It’s the step-by-step process that tracks where each lead is on their journey — from that first hello to signing the dotted line. 

So, it’s no surprise that having a solid pipeline keeps everything organized and makes sure no deals go from “Oh, that’s promising” to “How did I let that one slip through my fingers?” 

Why having a structured sales process is a game-changer:

Before we dive into the sales pipeline stages, don’t forget that the tools you use can make a huge difference. 

With Lindy's pre-built sales automations, you can handle the boring stuff automatically and focus on getting more deals marked as “closed.” 

Overview of common B2B sales pipeline stages

Each stage in your sales pipeline represents a major step towards closing a deal, and you won’t be done until the prospective client gets through all seven. 

Think of it as a videogame, the only one that has money on the line; whether you’re dealing with a cold lead or a warm prospect, moving them through these stages helps you stay on track and keeps your deals from stalling out

Now, while the exact number of stages can vary depending on your business, most pipelines follow a similar overall structure. 

Below is a chart that outlines the key stages of a sales pipeline: 



Lindy Tool
To Help

  • Prospecting

Finding potential customers
through various methods.

AI Lead

  • Qualification

Determining if a lead is worth pursuing
based on specific criteria.

AI Email

  • Initial Contact

Engaging with leads through
personalized outreach.


  • Meeting or Demo

Presenting your product and showcasing
its value to the lead.

AI Meeting

  • Proposal

Writing and delivering a sales proposal
based on the customer’s needs.

AI Sales Pitch

  • Negotiation

Handling objections and discussing
terms with the lead.


  • Closing the Sale

Finalizing the deal and sealing
the agreement.

AI Sales

What are the key stages of a sales pipeline?

So, we’ve established that there are 7 stages. Now, let’s break down every single stage so we can start helping you move through this process. 

1. Prospecting: How to find potential customers

Prospecting is the first stage of the sales pipeline and probably one of the most important. The idea is to find potential customers who could be a good fit for your product. 

This is where you’re doing the police procedural work — identifying leads and figuring out how to get in front of them.

Here’s how to ace prospecting:

How Lindy helps with prospecting:
Lindy’s AI Lead Generation tool makes prospecting easy; it helps you identify leads across multiple platforms, researches their background, and even kicks off personalized outreach for you. You’ll have qualified leads ready to go without hours of manual work.

Here’s a short tutorial on Lindy’s AI for enriching, qualifying, and even following up with leads. 

2. Qualification: How to qualify leads

Now, once you've found potential customers, it’s time to figure out which ones are worth pursuing. The qualification stage helps you determine whether a lead is a good fit for your product and worth your time — or better forgotten about. This is where you weed out those who aren’t serious and focus on the ones who are.

Here’s how to qualify leads effectively:

How Lindy can help with qualifications:
Lindy’s Lead Scoring AI can streamline your lead qualification process by automatically prioritizing leads based on customized criteria. Instead of manually sorting through prospects, this tool reviews and ranks leads, enabling your sales team to focus on the most promising opportunities.

By integrating directly with your CRM, it updates lead scores, ensuring your data is always fresh. This not only saves time but also helps your team allocate resources more efficiently, maximizing your chances of closing deals with high-potential leads.

3. Initial contact: Engaging with leads

The initial contact stage is where you make your first real move. You want to set the tone for the relationship and get the conversation started with your leads. 

It’s a bit like that first Tinder message — only this time, you actually want to get a reply. 

Whether through a phone call, email, or LinkedIn message, this is your chance to make a strong first impression.

Here’s how to make your initial contact count:

How Lindy helps you ace initial contact:
Lindy’s Lead Outreacher can help you reach out to leads with personalized messages through your favorite tools like Gmail or Telegram. 

Lindy helps you make sure your message hits the mark and follows up automatically, keeping the conversation going without dropping the ball.

4. Meeting or demo: How to showcase your product

Once you’ve made initial contact, it’s time to schedule a meeting or demo — you know, real, actual contact for those of you who grew up with social media. 

Now, this stage is where you get to show off your product (and your face!) and prove how it solves your lead’s problems. A great demo can be the turning point that moves a lead closer to becoming a customer.

Here’s how to nail your meetings or demos:

How Lindy helps with meeting and demo prep:
Lindy’s AI Meeting Scheduler makes setting up meetings super easy, and it even sends out reminders (for the absent-minded).

For the actual demo, Lindy can also help with the prep by gathering background info on your prospect and helping you create a customized agenda. You’re going to dress to impress in more ways than one. 

5. Proposal: How to make an offer

The proposal stage is where you turn interest into action. This is your chance to clearly outline the benefits of your product or service and offer a tailored solution to meet your prospect’s needs.

A strong, well-made proposal can be the final push that convinces them to seal the deal. 

Here’s how to create a winning proposal:

How Lindy helps you craft proposals:
Lindy’s AI Sales Pitch Generator takes the heavy lifting out of writing proposals. It can generate personalized, detailed offers based on the customer’s needs and even create templates that you can use later. Let Lindy handle the boring stuff like formatting and structure while you give your all to closing that darn deal. 

6. Negotiation: How to handle objections and close deals

Now, negotiation is where you handle any objections and work with the prospect to agree on terms. 

It’s not only about cutting those prices — it’s about finding common ground where both sides feel like they’re winning. 

As Hank with Walter White, though, you’ll want to tread lightly during this stage. 

Here’s how to handle negotiations like you mean business: 

How Lindy helps you manage negotiations:
Lindy can make negotiations easier by automating follow-up emails and handling objection responses through a customized AI Agent that can close partnership deals. You can even set parameters for the lowest terms you’re willing to accept, and Lindy will keep the conversation on its own until the deal is either closed or reaches your limits.

7. Closing the deal: How to finalize the deal

You’ve done the work and handled objections, and now it’s time to seal the deal. Closing the sale is more than just getting the signature — you want to make the final steps as smooth as possible and set up a long-term relationship.

It sounds like a lot of commitment, right? Well, that’s what we signed up for, so now it’s time to go all in. 

Here’s how to close the deal smoothly:

How Lindy helps with closing the deal:
Lindy’s AI Sales Agent can handle follow-ups after the sale to help you make sure everything goes off without a hitch.

We’re talking about anything from sending contracts, confirming details, or checking in. Lindy automates it all, letting you focus on keeping your new customers happy and ready for the next step (possibly upselling them on something). 

How to improve your sales pipeline process

Now, even the most dialed-in sales pipeline can hit roadblocks.

To keep things running smoothly and consistently sell, sell, and sell, it’s important to refine and optimize each stage of your pipeline regularly.

It’s not a one-and-done deal; you want to keep getting better constantly. 

Try out these three strategies: 

Identify common challenges in your sales pipeline

Every sales pipeline has weak spots — areas where deals tend to stall or fall apart. The key to improvement is figuring out where these bottlenecks are and addressing them head-on. 

Try to understand common issues so you can focus on the right fixes to keep deals moving forward.

Here’s how to spot and address challenges:

Automate repetitive stuff in your sales process

Manual work can slow you down, especially when it’s the same repetitive stuff day in and day out. 

Automating all of this frees up your time and lets you focus (fresh as a daisy) on things that require a higher cognitive load. (You know, little trivial pursuits like building relationships and closing deals.)

Here’s how automation boosts your pipeline:

Continuously refine your approach

Sales are constantly evolving, and what worked last year or even last month might not cut it anymore. 

To stay competitive, you need to continuously tweak and refine your approach based on real-world feedback and changing market conditions. 

Here’s how to stay ahead of the game:

Summing up

Well-structured sales pipeline stages are the backbone of any successful sales operation.

Each stage — from prospecting to closing — plays an integral role in keeping your leads engaged and moving toward a deal. 

By understanding where your bottlenecks are, putting stuff on auto with Lindy, and refining your approach as you go, you can build a sales pipeline that’s not only efficient but constantly getting you more deals.

Lindy makes your sales pipeline smarter

Lindy is your AI-first partner that simplifies every stage, from prospecting to closing.

With no-code automations, AI-driven tools, and a wide range of integrations, Lindy makes managing your pipeline effortless. 

Here’s how Lindy helps:

Try Lindy for free.