What Is Customer Experience Automation (CXA)?

Are you already implementing customer experience automation? 

If not, then you’re missing out on huge gains in productivity, reliability, efficiency, and — most of all — customer satisfaction. In this article, we’ll go over automated customer experience, its benefits, and how AI is changing the game. 

We’ll cover:

Let’s get started. 

Defining customer experience automation (CXA)

What is CXA, or customer experience automation? In short, it’s using technology to handle one-on-one customer interactions automatically and personally. 

Think chatbots that can talk all day and every day, personalized emails based on a customer’s buying habits, and self-service tools for scheduling appointments.

Unlike marketing automation that targets new leads or CRM that focuses on sales, CXA is all about keeping current customers happy from start to finish

How CXA stands up vs. other automation tools

In contrast to other methods, CXA looks after your customers' entire experience with your company. CXA is customer-centric, from the first ad they see to years down the road as a loyal customer. 

Here's how CXA goes beyond basic automation:

The many benefits of implementing customer experience automation

The proof, as they say, is in the pudding. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of customer experience automation:

The role of AI in automated customer experience

Without artificial intelligence, CXA would just be a bunch of rigid rules and stale workflows. But when you add AI into the mix, it’s transformative. 

Let’s take a look at how: 

Getting started with CXA — tips for businesses

Now that we’ve already established that customer experience automation is a must-have, where do you start?

Let’s take a look:

Using Lindy to put CXA on easy mode

Time to meet Lindy, the AI assistant designed to take the complexity out of CX automation and deliver exceptional experiences at every touchpoint. 

Here's why Lindy is the perfect fit for your team:

Summing up

We’re sure that, at the beginning of this article, this customer experience automation stuff might have sounded like a bunch of marketing mumbo jumbo. 

But now, things are looking pretty sweet, aren’t they? CXA takes all those tedious service interactions we dread and hands them over to AI that never tires, gets bored, or drops the ball.

Plus, businesses get to know their customers better with all that data. With tools like Lindy, you’ve basically got yourself a way to take the customer experience from headaches to happiness.

Try out Lindy for free.