10 Ways to Use AI for Email Processing

You're drowning in an endless sea of unanswered emails. Your inbox is out of control, and you can't keep your head above water. 

What if I told you AI could be your life raft? 

Imagine an AI assistant that could automatically respond to customer questions, take action on documents, negotiate offers, research senders, triage emails, route them to the right people in your company, and even create personalized outbound messages. 

With the right AI email processing tool like Lindy, you can teach your virtual assistant to handle all kinds of email tasks, freeing you up to focus on higher-value work. 

Keep reading to explore 10 ways Lindy's AI superpowers can save you from email overload.

What's AI email processing?

Ever get tired of sorting through hundreds of emails every day? AI to the rescue! AI email processing tools like Lindy can handle a chunk of that tedious work for you.

What is it? AI uses artificial intelligence to automatically process your incoming emails based on their importance and content. 

The best tool for AI email processing – Lindy 

Managing a flooded inbox can feel like a never-ending battle. That's where Lindy steps in, completely reworking the way you handle your email. 

Here’s how it can help: 

What kind of email processing can AI do?

AI can handle some of the boring email work so you can get on with the important stuff. 

Here are a few ways Lindy and email processing tools can help:

#1 Auto-reply to common questions

Ever get tired of answering the same questions over and over in your emails? AI to the rescue! Email processing tools can automatically detect common questions in incoming emails and send a pre-written response.

AI analyzes the content and intent of incoming emails to identify frequently asked questions. It then sends an appropriate auto-response with the information requested. 

How AI helps: 

#2 Validate and file documents

AI can take one look at that mountain of paperwork on your desk and start sorting through it with the precision of a master organizer.

AI uses machine learning to analyze the content and metadata of your emails to automatically determine what type of document it is and where it should go. Is it an invoice, contract, or receipt? Lindy knows the difference and can file it in the right place.

How AI helps:

#3 Negotiate basic offers

Ever get tired of going back and forth over email to settle on the details of a basic deal? AI email processing tools can take care of the negotiations for you.

It can help you review key terms you want to negotiate and determine if the other party's responses seem reasonable. If not, an AI like Lindy will counter with a more favorable offer backed by data and reason. 

How AI helps: 

#4 Research senders

Researching the sender of an email allows you to provide a tailored, personalized response. 

AI can scan the sender’s name, email address, social profiles, and previous correspondence to gather intel about them. 

Ever get an email from your boss’s boss and panic? 

It’ll remind you that they’re an avid golfer, so you can casually drop that you enjoyed watching the Masters. Subtlety, meet AI.

How AI helps:

#5 Triage emails by content

Ever get stuck dealing with a barrage of emails and don’t know where to start? AI can scan through your inbox and sort the wheat from the chaff. 

AI email processing tools use natural language understanding to analyze each email’s content and metadata. 

How AI helps: 

#6 Route emails to the right person

Ever get one of those emails that just isn't meant for you? An AI like Lindy can easily detect when an email has been misdirected and forward it to the correct recipient. No more “Hey John, I think that one was for Jane. Thanks for not inviting me to the cookout.” 

How AI helps:

#7 Generate personalized outbound emails

Sending personalized mass emails is a tedious, time-consuming task — but with AI, it’s a snap. AI email platforms like Lindy can analyze your contacts and generate tailored emails for each recipient.

AI analyzes your recipients’ profiles and past emails to craft a personalized message for each one. So Bob in Accounting may get an email emphasizing your new expense policy, while Jenny in Marketing hears about your latest social campaign.

How AI helps: 

#8 Analyze email sentiment and tone 

Understanding the emotions behind an email is extremely important for providing appropriate responses. AI can help you gauge how your customers or clients are feeling and tailor your communication accordingly.

How AI helps:

#9 Take action based on email content

AI can help prioritize content based on the content of an email. This is one of Lindy’s best features. 

How AI helps: 

#10 Prioritize important emails

We’ve all been there — an inbox overflowing with unread messages and no clue where to start. Have no fear, But AI can flag what’s most pressing.  

How AI helps: 

Summing up

If you want to be more productive and stop drowning in emails, you need to get yourself an AI for email processing like Lindy. 

It will save you hours of every day, make your inbox a place you actually want to visit on occasion, and even unlock new productive insights — without you having to lift a finger.