AI for Employee Engagement: 5 Ways You Can Use It

Feeling overwhelmed trying to boost morale and productivity? We get it. But if you’re not using AI for employee engagement, you may be doing far more work than you should.

We’re here to help. We'll show you five ways to use AI to take your employee engagement game to the next level. 

We’ll cover:

Let’s get started! 

What is employee engagement? 

Employee engagement — you’ve definitely heard the term before, but what does it actually mean? Simply put, engaged employees care about the work they do and the company they work for. They feel passionate and committed to their jobs.

Qualtrics says that companies with engaged employees:

Among quite a few other benefits. So, keeping employees engaged is extremely important if you want to have a healthy business. 

How to use AI for employee engagement

#1: Ask employees context-aware questions at the right times

AI can boost engagement by asking employees thought-provoking questions, but timing and relevance are very important. Context-aware AI taps into employee data and activity to make interactions feel genuinely helpful.

How AI helps:

#2: Personalizing questions and delivering in a chat-based format

Generic surveys and questionnaires can feel impersonal. AI-powered personalization and conversational delivery make employee interactions more engaging.

How AI helps:

#3: Gamified recognition programs

Traditional recognition programs can become stale. AI injects a bit of fun and healthy competition into recognizing employees, motivating them to go above and beyond.

How AI helps:

Deloitte Leadership Academy: Deloitte famously turned their leadership training program into an engaging game-like experience, boosting completion rates and improving knowledge retention. 

#4: Sentiment analysis

Understanding how employees feel is one of the pillars of maintaining a positive workplace culture. AI-powered sentiment analysis unlocks valuable insights from employee communication.

How AI helps:

#5: AI-powered mentorship management

You’ve got an employee engagement platform, yes, but how are you going to get employees to actually, you know, engage with it? AI-powered mentorship management can help match employees with mentors and guide meaningful conversations.

How AI helps:

The best AI for employee engagement 

Lindy is a powerful AI assistant platform that empowers businesses to enhance operations, deliver exceptional support experiences, and drive meaningful employee engagement. 

With its no-code interface and focus on customization, Lindy adapts to a huge range of needs across customer support, HR, recruiting, sales, operations, and more.

How Lindy helps:

Try out Lindy for free.

Summing up

And those were 5 ways to use AI for employee engagement. 

Technology is powerful, but true engagement comes from connection. AI isn't about replacing relationships; it's about amplifying them. 

Imagine the possibilities: Mentorships that spark growth, recognition that fuels motivation, and insights that build a workplace where everyone feels valued. Isn't that the kind of company you want to be a part of?