AI In HR: 6 Practical Ideas for Leveraging AI in HR

AI isn't just for tech giants like Google and Amazon anymore. Forward-thinking companies like Hilton, Starbucks, and Unilever are already using AI to boost HR. 

This is why we have six practical tips to leverage AI in HR right now. 

From streamlining recruiting to providing awesome employee experiences, AI can make your life easier while delivering serious benefits to the business. 

We’ll cover: 

Let’s dive in! 

Which companies are already deploying AI in HR?

Saying that AI is the future is a complete understatement. AI has already transformed HR profoundly.

Here are a few examples:

The lesson here? AI in HR is happening, and it's happening fast. Time to adapt!

6 ways to use AI in your HR department

#1. Make recruiting easier with AI screening

Want to save time and money on the often mind-numbingly boring (and expensive) process of screening candidates? AI can step in and handle the initial applicant review.


#2. Onboarding support for new hires

One of the best ways to use AI in HR is to have it support new hires during the onboarding process.


Introduce them to the company culture. Have your AI send personalized welcome messages to new team members on their first day. Share some details about company values, traditions, and what makes your organization unique. This helps employees feel like they’re joining an inclusive community from day one.

Provide a helpful orientation checklist. Nobody enjoys filling out piles of HR paperwork and waivers on their first day of a new job. Have your AI generate an interactive digital checklist for new hires with all the required forms and resources to get oriented. This checklist can guide them through important steps like setting up their email, logging into essential systems, and introducing them to key contacts. 

Offer a friendly face for questions. Starting a new job can be overwhelming with so many new people, processes, and technologies to learn. Your AI system can provide a helpful point of contact for new hires to ask any questions they may feel silly asking another human. Whether they need help adjusting an office chair or have a quick question about the dress code, your AI can offer a fast, friendly response. This type of support helps new team members feel more at ease as they transition into their role.

#3. Use AI chatbots to improve the overall candidate experience

Another of the easiest ways to use AI in HR is by using chatbots. Chatbots can handle many of the repetitive questions candidates have, like “What’s the status of my application?” or “What documents do I need to submit?”


#4. Use AI for performance reviews

Performance reviews can be tedious and time-consuming for HR managers. AI-based tools can analyze performance data, detect trends, and even suggest customized feedback for employees.


#5. Data summarization and analytics

So you have all this data about your employees, now what? It’s time to get your analytics on! 


#6. Use AI tools to get a feel for employee sentiment

AI can help get a feel for how your employees really feel. Rather than waiting for the next engagement survey, AI tools can analyze data like emails, chat logs, and meeting notes to detect themes around morale, stress levels, and job satisfaction.


The best AI for HR

Forget those generic AI bots that make you want to pull your hair out. Lindy is different. 

Here's why it's the perfect upgrade for your HR team:

Try out Lindy for free.

Summing up

So, are you thinking it’s time to put Lindy to work in your HR department?

You don’t have to go full-on: Start small, see the benefits, then think bigger. We’ve only scratched the surface when it comes to the potential of AI in HR

One thing’s for sure: with AI’s capabilities increasing by the minute, you can’t afford not to use it.