What Are AI Agents?

AI agents are one of the most wide-ranging applications of modern-day AI, and they’re rapidly changing everything about the way we do business. In this article, we’ll show you what exactly each AI agent type is, what it does, and how it can benefit your business. 

Stick around until the end, though, because we’ll also dish out A-grade info on what the best do-it-all AI agent is! 

We’ll cover: 

Let’s get started.

AI agents explained

Artificial intelligence agents, or AI agents, are software programs that can act independently on your behalf. They're digital assistants that can understand complex commands and complete sophisticated tasks for you.

An AI agent is essentially a software robot designed to perform specific jobs, kind of like a virtual employee. The key thing that makes an AI agent smart is its ability to learn over time based on interactions and experiences. 

AI agents learn in a few major ways:

Key components of AI agents

AI agents are software systems that can act intelligently on your behalf. 

They're made up of a few key parts that give them their smarts:

Types of AI agents

Listen up because we’re about to give you the lowdown on all the main types of AI agents.

(One caveat: Several of these AI agent types can overlap, as is the case with utility-based and model-based agents in self-driving cars).

Simple-reflex agents

The simple-reflex AI agent just reacts to stuff in pre-set ways. These bots are about as sophisticated as that annoying kid in grade school who could only respond to everything with "I know you are, but what am I?"

Goal-based agents

Goal-based AI agents are that one friend who just won’t quit until the job gets done. 

They're programmed with a specific goal or objective in mind and will work 24/7/365 to achieve it, step-by-step. 

These AI agents operate by determining the individual steps required to achieve the goal. They then execute those steps in order, re-evaluating if anything changes and adapting the plan as needed. 

Some examples of goal-based AI agents in action:

Their algorithms are narrowly focused on achieving predetermined goals, so they generally struggle in unforeseen circumstances — this is true for all but the most advanced goal-based systems. 

For example, a Roomba vacuum cleaner has the simple goal of cleaning a floor. It follows a set pattern and reacts to obstacles, but it doesn't learn or adapt its behavior.

Learning agents

Learning AI Agents are constantly analyzing their environment and learning from their past actions, whether good or bad. 

This makes them improve the more you use them. Check out their key features:

Examples: Game-playing AI (like AlphaGo), recommendation systems, and some chatbots.

Model-based reflex agents

This is a complex name for bots that can actually learn from their mistakes. These AI agents build models of the world in their robot brains based on what happens when they do stuff. 

Here are their features:

Examples: Self-driving cars, robotic vacuum cleaners, and some industrial control systems.

Utility-based agents

Utility-based AI agents look at a situation, see all the different things they could do, and then pick whatever option is the most useful:

Examples include a self-driving car choosing the safest and fastest route based on traffic conditions, a chess AI selecting the optimal move to increase its chances of winning, or a recommendation system suggesting products that align with a user's preferences and past behavior.

Multi-agent systems

What if we combined multiple AI agents into a multi-agent system? These agent Avengers can work together to solve problems too big for any single bot:

Real-world applications of multi-agent systems are already emerging

And yes, you’ve guessed it, Lindy is a multi-agent system where different Lindies can communicate with one another. 

How AI agents work

AI agents rely on machine learning algorithms and neural networks to take in huge amounts of data, find patterns, and teach themselves how to make predictions or recommendations without being explicitly programmed. 

They operate based on a process of “deep learning” — layer upon layer of artificial "neurons" that connect and assign weights to all the possible relationships between data points.

The process of AI learning goes like this:

Benefits of using AI agents

Listen, using AI agents to handle mundane tasks is pretty sweet. 

Here are some of the benefits they bring  to the table: 

Real-world applications of AI agents 

AI agents are already hard at work in various industries, revolutionizing how we work and live. Here's how these intelligent assistants are making a real impact:

Take a look at some real-world examples:

How to create your own AI agent with Lindy

Lindy helps you build your own AI agents without any coding knowledge, making AI accessible and easy to implement for your business. Here's how to create your AI assistant with Lindy:

  1. Define your agent's mission: Clearly outline the purpose of your AI agent. What problems will it solve, or what tasks will it automate? A focused mission will guide the rest of the creation process.
  2. Choose a template or start from scratch: Lindy offers a library of pre-built templates for common use cases like customer support, sales, and HR. These templates provide a starting point and can be customized to fit your needs. If you have a unique use case, start from scratch for maximum flexibility.
  3. Feed your agent knowledge: Lindy allows you to upload documents or connect directly to your existing knowledge sources using Knowledge Connectors. This ensures your agent has access to up-to-date and relevant information to answer questions accurately and provide valuable insights.
  4. Customize your agent's behavior: Tailor your agent's personality and interactions to match your brand. Customize responses, actions, tone of voice, and appearance. You can even create custom workflows to automate complex tasks and decision-making processes.
  5. Test and iterate: Put your agent through its paces in a safe testing environment. Simulate conversations and interactions to identify any areas where your agent needs improvement. Lindy's testing tools help you refine your agent's performance before deploying it to the real world.
  6. Integrate and deploy: Seamlessly connect your AI agent to your website, messaging apps like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or other platforms where your customers or employees interact.
  7. Monitor and improve: Lindy's robust monitoring tools track usage, popular questions, user satisfaction, and goal completion rates. Use this data to identify areas for improvement and optimize your agent's performance over time. You can also utilize A/B testing to compare different versions of your agent and find the best-performing one.


Is ChatGPT an AI agent?

Absolutely! ChatGPT is a prime example of an AI agent. It embodies many characteristics we've discussed: Learning and improving through feedback, tackling complex tasks beyond rule-based systems, personalizing responses based on user preferences, and automating tasks like finding information and crafting text.

What is a GPT agent?

GPT agents are AI agents powered by the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) model, such as ChatGPT itself. They use massive neural networks trained on colossal amounts of text data to produce remarkably human-like text and engage in conversations, answering questions and partaking in open discussions. The "GPT" signifies the core technology driving their abilities, constantly evolving with newer model versions.

What are Gen AI agents?

Gen AI agents, or Generation AI agents, are the cutting edge of AI, capable of crafting incredibly natural and fluent human-like text. Powered by large language models like ChatGPT versions GPT-3 and GPT-4, they're trained on extensive text data, enabling them to:

What does an AI agent do?

AI agents help out humans through natural language conversations. They perform a variety of tasks through text or voice interactions, including:

Summing up

AI agents are the new personal assistants, helping us get stuff done and making our lives easier. 

As AI keeps advancing, these agents will only get smarter

Now, it’s up to you to decide how you want to leverage the power of these emergent AI buddy-buddies to help your business reach new heights. 

Next steps

Ready to level up your AI agent game? Time to take the next step with Lindy. 

Here's how Lindy can hypercharge your operations:

Try out Lindy for free.