How To Summarize an Article With AI in a Few Seconds

Ever found yourself staring at a massive wall of text, wanting just to hit a button and get the gist

Don’t you wish you knew how to summarize an article with AI? 

Thankfully, after you read this short how-to guide, you’ll have everything you need to avoid wasting any more time on summaries. 

We’ll cover: 

Let’s get started.

How to summarize an article with AI (TL;DR)

Here's the quick version of how to summarize an article using AI:

  1. Pick your favorite AI tool.
  2. Give it a nudge with a clear prompt.
  3. Feed it the article you want summarized.
  4. Review the AI-generated summary and tweak it if needed.

1. Pick your favorite AI tool

Choosing the right AI tool is like picking your favorite video game character.

While there’s no accounting for choice, there are clear winners and losers when it comes to things like capabilities, features, and pricing.  

There's no one-size-fits-all, so consider your needs and preferences. Are you looking for a free tool or willing to pay for extra features? Do you need a tool that integrates with other apps or platforms?

Here are a few popular options to get you started:

2. Give it a nudge with a clear prompt

Think of your AI tool as a helpful assistant, not a mind reader. A clear and specific prompt will guide the AI towards generating the kind of summary you want.

Here are a few tips for writing effective prompts:

Here are a few prompt examples you can use as inspiration to copy and paste:

3. Feed it the article you want summarized

This step is pretty straightforward. 

Most AI tools give you two options:

Some tools might also let you enter a URL, but uploading or pasting the text is usually the most reliable method.

4. Review the AI-generated summary and tweak it if needed

Now comes the fun part: Seeing what the AI has come up with. Depending on the tool you're using and the complexity of the article, the summary might be spot-on or need a little fine-tuning.

Here's what to look for:

If the summary needs some work, don't worry. You can easily edit it to make it more accurate, concise, and relevant to your needs. 

5. Keep the conversation going

Remember, most AI tools allow for ongoing conversation. If the initial summary isn't quite right, don't hesitate to ask the AI to try again or provide more details on specific points.

Here are a few prompts you can use to refine the summary:

Even with the best prompts, AI-generated summaries might need some tweaking. After all, AI doesn't have your unique perspective or the nuanced understanding of the article that you possess.

Don't be afraid to:


Is there an AI to summarize an article?

Absolutely! There are many AI tools designed specifically to summarize articles. These tools can save you time and effort by quickly condensing lengthy texts into concise summaries. Some popular options include Lindy, ChatGPT, Gemini, and many others. You can find a variety of free and paid tools depending on your needs. 

Can ChatGPT summarize an article?

Yes, ChatGPT is a big winner for summarizing articles. It can understand the context of the text and generate coherent summaries that capture the main points. Simply provide ChatGPT with the article you want to summarize and give it a prompt like "Summarize this article in three sentences."

Can Jasper AI summarize an article?

While Jasper AI is primarily a writing assistant, it’s also adept at summarization. Its "Content Improver" template can help you condense and rephrase existing text, effectively creating a summary.

What's the best AI prompt to summarize an article?

The best prompt depends on your specific needs and the AI tool you're using. However, here are a few general tips:

Some examples of effective prompts include:

Summing up

Who knew that learning how to summarize an article with AI was this easy? 

With the right AI tool and a well-crafted prompt, you can transform those daunting, impenetrable docs into digestible summaries in a few seconds. 

You can rest up from information overload and say “Hi” to more efficient times! 

Next steps

Tired of sifting through endless articles? Look no further than Lindy, the all-in-one AI assistant

With Lindy, you can:

Try out Lindy’s 7-day free trial, and then pay just $49 per month.