What are Marketing Chatbots?

Feeling like you're in over your head trying to keep up with all the latest digital marketing trends? We get it. There are so many new tactics and technologies out there, it's hard to know where to focus your time and energy. 

One thing’s for sure, though: Marketing chatbots need to be on your radar.

Don’t know what all the hype is about? Don’t worry; in this article, we’ll show you exactly what chatbots are, why they're a must for marketers, and how to put them to work for your business. 

We’ll cover: 

Let’s dive right in.

What are marketing chatbots exactly?

Marketing chatbots are nifty programs that use natural language processing to communicate with customers or leads in a conversational way — whether that's through a website chat window, messaging app, or even voice assistants.

Types of marketing chatbots

Now, there are quite a few chatbot options out there, and they can get overwhelming. Marketing chatbots come in different flavors, and it's important to understand the types so you can pick the right one for your business needs. 

Let's dive in and explore the three main categories:

The type of chatbot you choose will depend on your specific goals, budget, and the level of complexity that your marketing efforts require. 

How marketing chatbots work

Marketing chatbots are helping businesses connect with customers in a whole new way. At their core, they rely on two key ingredients: user interaction and data processing.

Let’s take a look: 

Benefits of using chatbot marketing

Marketing chatbots have quite a few benefits you need to know, especially if you’re feeling swamped with leads, support tickets, and more inquiries than you can handle.

Let’s take a look:

Use cases for marketing chatbots

Even if this sounds futuristic, you’ll find that marketing chatbots are already streamlining operations for many Fortune 500 companies — and beyond. 

Here’s a taste of what they can do: 

How to implement marketing chatbots

Marketing chatbots may sound hard to implement, but we can help you make the process as painless as possible — if you follow some common-sense rules. 

Let’s take a look:

Best practices for a good chatbot marketing strategy 

Thought we were going to let you wing it? Not a chance! If you want to get a good marketing groove going, you’ll want to follow our lead. 

Listen up: 

Meet Lindy: The ultimate marketing chatbot

Ready for a marketing team that’s always there when you need it? Meet Lindy, the AI marketing chatbot designed to boost your marketing game.

Here's how Lindy can transform your marketing efforts:

Try Lindy for free.

Summing up

Marketing chatbots are your new go-to for gathering data and automating tasks. 

Even if they may seem futuristic, just trust us, AI chatbots are here to stay, and they’re going to keep rewriting the rules of the marketing game. 

Just think of all the ways they can make your marketing easier.